Source code for aser.extract.relation_extractor

from itertools import chain
from copy import deepcopy
from .discourse_parser import ConnectiveExtractor, ArgumentPositionClassifier, \
    SSArgumentExtractor, PSArgumentExtractor, ExplicitSenseClassifier
from .rule import SEED_CONNECTIVE_DICT
from .utils import EMPTY_SENT_PARSED_RESULT
from ..relation import Relation, relation_senses

[docs]class BaseRelationExtractor(object): """ Base ASER relation rxtractor to extract relations """ def __init__(self, **kw): pass
[docs] def close(self): pass
def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] def extract_from_parsed_result( self, parsed_result, para_eventualities, output_format="Relation", in_order=True, **kw ): """ Extract relations from the parsed result :param parsed_result: the parsed result returned by corenlp :type parsed_result: List[Dict[str, object]] :param para_eventualities: eventualities in the paragraph :type para_eventualities: List[aser.eventuality.Eventuality] :param output_format: which format to return, "Relation" or "triplet" :type output_format: str (default = "Relation") :param in_order: whether the returned order follows the input token order :type in_order: bool (default = True) :param kw: other parameters :type kw: Dict[str, object] :return: the extracted relations :rtype: Union[List[List[aser.relation.Relation]], List[List[Dict[str, object]]], List[aser.relation.Relation], List[Dict[str, object]]] .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python Input: [{'dependencies': [(1, 'nmod:poss', 0), (3, 'nsubj', 1), (3, 'aux', 2), (3, 'dobj', 5), (3, 'punct', 6), (5, 'nmod:poss', 4)], 'lemmas': ['my', 'army', 'will', 'find', 'you', 'boat', '.'], 'mentions': [], 'ners': ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'], 'parse': '(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ My) (NN army)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB find) (NP ' '(PRP$ your) (NN boat)))) (. .)))', 'pos_tags': ['PRP$', 'NN', 'MD', 'VB', 'PRP$', 'NN', '.'], 'text': 'My army will find your boat.', 'tokens': ['My', 'army', 'will', 'find', 'your', 'boat', '.']}, {'dependencies': [(2, 'case', 0), (2, 'det', 1), (6, 'nmod:in', 2), (6, 'punct', 3), (6, 'nsubj', 4), (6, 'cop', 5), (6, 'ccomp', 9), (6, 'punct', 13), (9, 'nsubj', 7), (9, 'aux', 8), (9, 'iobj', 10), (9, 'dobj', 12), (12, 'amod', 11)], 'lemmas': ['in', 'the', 'meantime', ',', 'I', 'be', 'sure', 'we', 'could', 'find', 'you', 'suitable', 'accommodation', '.'], 'mentions': [], 'ners': ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'], 'parse': '(ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (DT the) (NN meantime))) (, ,) (NP (PRP ' "I)) (VP (VBP 'm) (ADJP (JJ sure) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP we)) (VP (MD " 'could) (VP (VB find) (NP (PRP you)) (NP (JJ suitable) (NNS ' 'accommodations)))))))) (. .)))', 'pos_tags': ['IN', 'DT', 'NN', ',', 'PRP', 'VBP', 'JJ', 'PRP', 'MD', 'VB', 'PRP', 'JJ', 'NNS', '.'], 'text': "In the meantime, I'm sure we could find you suitable " 'accommodations.', 'tokens': ['In', 'the', 'meantime', ',', 'I', "'m", 'sure', 'we', 'could', 'find', 'you', 'suitable', 'accommodations', '.']}], [[my army will find you boat], [i be sure, we could find you suitable accommodation]] Output: [[], [(7d9ea9023b66a0ebc167f0dbb6ea8cd75d7b46f9, 25edad6781577dcb3ba715c8230416fb0d4c45c4, {'Co_Occurrence': 1.0})], [(8540897b645962964fd644242d4cc0032f024e86, 25edad6781577dcb3ba715c8230416fb0d4c45c4, {'Synchronous': 1.0})]] """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SeedRuleRelationExtractor(BaseRelationExtractor): """ ASER relation extractor based on rules to extract relations (for ASER v1.0) """ def __init__(self, **kw): super().__init__(**kw)
[docs] def extract_from_parsed_result( self, parsed_result, para_eventualities, output_format="Relation", in_order=True, **kw ): if output_format not in ["Relation", "triplet"]: raise NotImplementedError("Error: extract_from_parsed_result only supports Relation or triplet.") connective_dict = kw.get("connective_dict", SEED_CONNECTIVE_DICT) para_relations = list() for sent_parsed_result, eventualities in zip(parsed_result, para_eventualities): relations_in_sent = list() for head_eventuality in eventualities: for tail_eventuality in eventualities: if not head_eventuality.position < tail_eventuality.position: continue heid = head_eventuality.eid teid = tail_eventuality.eid extracted_senses = self._extract_from_eventuality_pair_in_one_sentence( connective_dict, sent_parsed_result, head_eventuality, tail_eventuality ) if len(extracted_senses) > 0: relations_in_sent.append(Relation(heid, teid, extracted_senses)) para_relations.append(relations_in_sent) for i in range(len(parsed_result) - 1): eventualities1, eventualities2 = para_eventualities[i], para_eventualities[i + 1] relations_between_sents = list() if len(eventualities1) == 1 and len(eventualities2) == 1: s1_tokens, s2_tokens = parsed_result[i]["tokens"], parsed_result[i + 1]["tokens"] s1_eventuality, s2_eventuality = eventualities1[0], eventualities2[0] heid, teid = s1_eventuality.eid, s2_eventuality.eid extracted_senses = self._extract_from_eventuality_pair_in_two_sentence( connective_dict, s1_eventuality, s2_eventuality, s1_tokens, s2_tokens ) if len(extracted_senses) > 0: relations_between_sents.append(Relation(heid, teid, extracted_senses)) para_relations.append(relations_between_sents) if in_order: if output_format == "triplet": para_relations = [sorted(chain.from_iterable([r.to_triplets() for r in relations])) for relations in para_relations] return para_relations else: if output_format == "Relation": rid2relation = dict() for relation in chain(*para_relations): if relation.rid not in rid2relation: rid2relation[relation.rid] = deepcopy(relation) else: rid2relation[relation.rid].update(relation) relations = sorted(rid2relation.values(), key=lambda r: r.rid) elif output_format == "triplet": relations = sorted([r.to_triplets() for relations in para_relations for r in relations]) return relations
def _extract_from_eventuality_pair_in_one_sentence( self, connective_dict, sent_parsed_result, head_eventuality, tail_eventuality ): extracted_senses = ['Co_Occurrence'] for sense in relation_senses: for connective_words in connective_dict[sense]: if self._verify_connective_in_one_sentence( connective_words, head_eventuality, tail_eventuality, sent_parsed_result["dependencies"], sent_parsed_result["tokens"] ): extracted_senses.append(sense) break return extracted_senses def _extract_from_eventuality_pair_in_two_sentence( self, connective_dict, s1_eventuality, s2_eventuality, s1_tokens, s2_tokens ): extracted_senses = list() for sense in relation_senses: for connective_words in connective_dict[sense]: if self._verify_connective_in_two_sentence( connective_words, s1_eventuality, s2_eventuality, s1_tokens, s2_tokens ): extracted_senses.append(sense) break return extracted_senses def _verify_connective_in_one_sentence( self, connective_words, head_eventuality, tail_eventuality, sentence_dependencies, sentence_tokens ): def get_connective_position(connective_words): tmp_positions = list() for w in connective_words: tmp_positions.append(sentence_tokens.index(w)) return sum(tmp_positions) / len(tmp_positions) if tmp_positions else 0.0 # Connective Words need to be presented in sentence if set(connective_words) - set(sentence_tokens): return False # Connective phrase need to be presented in sentence connective_string = " ".join(connective_words) sentence_string = " ".join(sentence_tokens) if connective_string not in sentence_string: return False shrinked_dependencies = self._shrink_sentence_dependencies( head_eventuality._raw_dependencies, tail_eventuality._raw_dependencies, sentence_dependencies ) if not shrinked_dependencies: return False found_advcl = False for (governor, dep, dependent) in shrinked_dependencies: if governor == '_H_' and dependent == '_T_' and 'advcl' in dep: found_advcl = True break if not found_advcl: return False connective_position = get_connective_position(connective_words) e1_position, e2_position = head_eventuality.position, tail_eventuality.position if 'instead' not in connective_words: if e1_position < connective_position < e2_position: return True else: return False else: if e1_position < e2_position < connective_position: return True else: return False def _verify_connective_in_two_sentence( self, connective_words, s1_eventuality, s2_eventuality, s1_tokens, s2_tokens ): def get_connective_position(): tmp_positions = list() for w in connective_words: if w in s1_tokens: tmp_positions.append(s1_tokens.index(w)) elif w in s2_tokens: tmp_positions.append(s2_tokens.index(w) + len(s1_tokens)) return sum(tmp_positions) / len(tmp_positions) if tmp_positions else 0.0 sentence_tokens = s1_tokens + s2_tokens # Connective Words need to be presented in sentence if set(connective_words) - set(sentence_tokens): return False # Connective phrase need to be presented in sentence connective_string = " ".join(connective_words) sentence_string = " ".join(sentence_tokens) if connective_string not in sentence_string: return False connective_position = get_connective_position() e1_position, e2_position = s1_eventuality.position, \ s2_eventuality.position + len(s1_tokens) if 'instead' not in connective_words: if e1_position < connective_position < e2_position and e2_position - e1_position < 10: return True else: return False else: if e1_position < e2_position < connective_position and e2_position - e1_position < 10: return True else: return False def _shrink_sentence_dependencies(self, head_dependencies, tail_dependencies, sentence_dependencies): head_nodes = set() for governor, _, dependent in head_dependencies: head_nodes.add(governor) head_nodes.add(dependent) tail_nodes = set() for governor, _, dependent in tail_dependencies: tail_nodes.add(governor) tail_nodes.add(dependent) if head_nodes & tail_nodes: return None new_dependencies = list() for governor, dep, dependent in sentence_dependencies: if governor in head_nodes: new_governor = '_H_' elif governor in tail_nodes: new_governor = '_T_' else: new_governor = governor if dependent in head_nodes: new_dependent = '_H_' elif dependent in tail_nodes: new_dependent = '_T_' else: new_dependent = dependent if new_governor != new_dependent: new_dependencies.append((new_governor, dep, new_dependent)) return new_dependencies
[docs]class DiscourseRelationExtractor(BaseRelationExtractor): """ ASER relation extractor based on discourse parsing to extract relations (for ASER v2.0) """ def __init__(self, **kw): super().__init__(**kw) self.conn_extractor = ConnectiveExtractor(**kw) self.argpos_classifier = ArgumentPositionClassifier(**kw) self.ss_extractor = SSArgumentExtractor(**kw) self.ps_extractor = PSArgumentExtractor(**kw) self.explicit_classifier = ExplicitSenseClassifier(**kw)
[docs] def extract_from_parsed_result( self, parsed_result, para_eventualities, output_format="triplet", in_order=False, **kw ): if output_format not in ["Relation", "triplet"]: raise NotImplementedError("Error: extract_from_parsed_result only supports Relation or triplet.") similarity = kw.get("similarity", "simpson").lower() threshold = kw.get("threshold", 0.8) if threshold < 0.0 or threshold > 1.0: raise ValueError("Error: threshold should be between 0.0 and 1.0.") if similarity == "simpson": similarity_func = self._match_argument_eventuality_by_Simpson elif similarity == "jaccard": similarity_func = self._match_argument_eventuality_by_Jaccard elif similarity == "discourse": similarity_func = self._match_argument_eventuality_by_dependencies else: raise NotImplementedError("Error: extract_from_parsed_result only supports Simpson or Jaccard.") syntax_tree_cache = kw.get("syntax_tree_cache", dict()) len_sentences = len(parsed_result) if len_sentences == 0: if in_order: return [list()] else: return list() para_relations = [list() for _ in range(2 * len_sentences - 1)] # replace sentences that contains no eventuality with empty sentences filtered_parsed_result = list() for sent_idx, (sent_parsed_result, sent_eventualities) in enumerate(zip(parsed_result, para_eventualities)): if len(sent_eventualities) > 0: filtered_parsed_result.append(sent_parsed_result) relations_in_sent = para_relations[sent_idx] for head_e in sent_eventualities: heid = head_e.eid for tail_e in sent_eventualities: if not head_e.position < tail_e.position: continue teid = tail_e.eid relations_in_sent.append(Relation(heid, teid, ["Co_Occurrence"])) else: filtered_parsed_result.append(EMPTY_SENT_PARSED_RESULT) # empty sentence # filtered_parsed_result.append(sent_parsed_result) connectives = self.conn_extractor.extract(filtered_parsed_result, syntax_tree_cache) SS_connectives, PS_connectives = self.argpos_classifier.classify( filtered_parsed_result, connectives, syntax_tree_cache ) SS_connectives = self.ss_extractor.extract(filtered_parsed_result, SS_connectives, syntax_tree_cache) PS_connectives = self.ps_extractor.extract(filtered_parsed_result, PS_connectives, syntax_tree_cache) connectives = self.explicit_classifier.classify( filtered_parsed_result, SS_connectives + PS_connectives, syntax_tree_cache ) connectives.sort(key=lambda x: (x["sent_idx"], x["indices"][0] if len(x["indices"]) > 0 else -1)) for connective in connectives: conn_indices = connective.get("indices", None) arg1 = connective.get("arg1", None) arg2 = connective.get("arg2", None) sense = connective.get("sense", None) if conn_indices and arg1 and arg2 and (sense and sense != "None"): arg1_sent_idx = arg1["sent_idx"] arg2_sent_idx = arg2["sent_idx"] relation_list_idx = arg1_sent_idx if arg1_sent_idx == arg2_sent_idx else arg1_sent_idx + len_sentences relations = para_relations[relation_list_idx] sent_parsed_result1, sent_eventualities1 = parsed_result[arg1_sent_idx], para_eventualities[ arg1_sent_idx] sent_parsed_result2, sent_eventualities2 = parsed_result[arg2_sent_idx], para_eventualities[ arg2_sent_idx] arg1_eventualities = [e for e in sent_eventualities1 if \ similarity_func(sent_parsed_result1, arg1, e, threshold=threshold, conn_indices=conn_indices)] arg2_eventualities = [e for e in sent_eventualities2 if \ similarity_func(sent_parsed_result2, arg2, e, threshold=threshold, conn_indices=conn_indices)] cnt = 0.0 if len(arg1_eventualities) > 0 and len(arg2_eventualities) > 0: cnt = 1.0 / (len(arg1_eventualities) * len(arg2_eventualities)) for e1 in arg1_eventualities: heid = e1.eid for e2 in arg2_eventualities: teid = e2.eid is_existed = False for relation in relations: if relation.hid == heid and relation.tid == teid: relation.update({sense: cnt}) is_existed = True break if not is_existed: relations.append(Relation(heid, teid, {sense: cnt})) if in_order: if output_format == "triplet": para_relations = [sorted(chain.from_iterable([r.to_triplets() for r in relations])) for relations in para_relations] return para_relations else: if output_format == "Relation": rid2relation = dict() for relation in chain(*para_relations): if relation.rid not in rid2relation: rid2relation[relation.rid] = deepcopy(relation) else: rid2relation[relation.rid].update(relation) relations = sorted(rid2relation.values(), key=lambda r: r.rid) elif output_format == "triplet": relations = sorted([r.to_triplets() for relations in para_relations for r in relations]) return relations
@staticmethod def _match_argument_eventuality_by_Simpson(sent_parsed_result, argument, eventuality, **kw): threshold = kw.get("threshold", 0.8) match = False if eventuality.raw_sent_mapping: argument_indices = set(argument["indices"]) eventuality_indices = set(eventuality.raw_sent_mapping.values()) try: Simpson = len(argument_indices & eventuality_indices) / min(len(argument_indices), len(eventuality_indices)) match = Simpson >= threshold except ZeroDivisionError: match = False else: argument_tokens = set([sent_parsed_result["lemmas"][idx].lower() for idx in argument["indices"]]) eventuality_tokens = set(eventuality.words) try: Simpson = len(argument_tokens & eventuality_tokens) / min(len(argument_tokens), len(eventuality_tokens)) match = Simpson >= threshold except ZeroDivisionError: match = False return match @staticmethod def _match_argument_eventuality_by_Jaccard(sent_parsed_result, argument, eventuality, **kw): threshold = kw.get("threshold", 0.8) match = False if eventuality.raw_sent_mapping: argument_indices = set(argument["indices"]) eventuality_indices = set(eventuality.raw_sent_mapping.values()) try: Jaccard = len(argument_indices & eventuality_indices) / len(argument_indices | eventuality_indices) match = Jaccard >= threshold except ZeroDivisionError: match = False else: argument_tokens = set([sent_parsed_result["lemmas"][idx].lower() for idx in argument["indices"]]) eventuality_tokens = set(eventuality.words) try: Jaccard = len(argument_tokens & eventuality_tokens) / len(argument_tokens | eventuality_tokens) match = Jaccard >= threshold except ZeroDivisionError: match = False return match @staticmethod def _match_argument_eventuality_by_dependencies(sent_parsed_result, argument, eventuality, **kw): conn_indices = kw.get("conn_indices", list()) match = False conn_indices = set(conn_indices) if eventuality.raw_sent_mapping: argument_indices = set(argument["indices"]) eventuality_indices = set(eventuality.raw_sent_mapping.values()) for (governor, dep, dependent) in sent_parsed_result["dependencies"]: # find the word linked to the connective if dependent in conn_indices and governor in argument_indices and governor in eventuality_indices: match = True break elif governor in conn_indices and dependent in argument_indices and dependent in eventuality_indices: match = True break else: argument_tokens = set([sent_parsed_result["lemmas"][idx].lower() for idx in argument["indices"]]) eventuality_token_pos_tags = set(zip(eventuality.words, eventuality.pos_tags)) argument_indices = set(argument["indices"]) for (governor, dep, dependent) in sent_parsed_result["dependencies"]: # find the word linked to the connective if dependent in conn_indices and governor in argument_indices: token_pos_tag = ( sent_parsed_result["lemmas"][governor].lower(), sent_parsed_result["pos_tags"][governor] ) if token_pos_tag in eventuality_token_pos_tags: match = True break elif governor in conn_indices and dependent in argument_indices: token_pos_tag = ( sent_parsed_result["lemmas"][dependent].lower(), sent_parsed_result["pos_tags"][dependent] ) if token_pos_tag in eventuality_token_pos_tags: match = True break return match