Source code for aser.concept

import hashlib
import pprint
import time
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import Counter
from .object import JsonSerializedObject

[docs]class ASERConcept(JsonSerializedObject): """ ASER Conceptualied Eventuality """ def __init__(self, words=None, instances=None): """ :param words: the word list of a concept :type words: List[str] :param instances: a list of (eid, pattern, score) :type instances: List[Tuple[str, str, float]] """ super().__init__() self.words = words if words else "" self.instances = instances if instances else [] self.cid = ASERConcept.generate_cid(self.__str__())
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_cid(concept_str): """ Generate the cid to a concept :param concept_str: concept representation (words connected by " ") :type concept_str: List[str] :return: the corresponding unique cid :rtype: str """ return hashlib.sha1(concept_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
@property def pattern(self): if len(self.instances) > 0: cnter = Counter([t[1] for t in self.instances]) return cnter.most_common(1)[0][0] else: return "" def __str__(self): return " ".join(self.words) def __repr__(self): return " ".join(self.words)
[docs] def instantiate(self, kg_conn=None): """ Retrieve the instances that are associated with this concept :param kg_conn: an KG connection to ASER :type kg_conn: aser.database.kg_connection.ASERKGConnection :return: a list of (eid, pattern, score) :rtype: List[Tuple[str, str, float]] """ if kg_conn: eventualities = kg_conn.get_exact_match_eventualities( [t[0] for t in self.instances]) return eventualities else: return self.instances
[docs]class ASERConceptInstancePair(JsonSerializedObject): def __init__(self, cid="", eid="", pattern="unknown", score=0.0): """ :param cid: the unique cid to the conceptualized eventuality :type cid: str :param eid: the unique eid to the eventuality :type eid: str :param pattern: the corresponding pattern :type pattern: str :param score: the conceptualization probability :type score: float """ super().__init__() self.cid = cid self.eid = eid self.pattern = pattern self.score = score = ASERConceptInstancePair.generate_pid(cid, eid)
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_pid(cid, eid): """ Generate the pid to a pair :param cid: the unique cid to the conceptualized eventuality :type cid: str :param eid: the unique eid to the eventuality :type eid: str :return: the unique pid to the pair :rtype: str """ key = cid + "$" + eid return hashlib.sha1(key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def __str__(self): repr_dict = { "pid":, "cid": self.cid, "eid": self.eid, "pattern": self.pattern, "score": self.score } return pprint.pformat(repr_dict) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class ProbaseConcept(object): """ Copied from """ def __init__(self, data_concept_path=""): """ :param data_concept_path: Probase .txt file path :type data_concept_path: str """ self.concept2idx = dict() self.idx2concept = dict() self.concept_inverted_list = dict() self.instance2idx = dict() self.idx2instance = dict() self.instance_inverted_list = dict() if data_concept_path: self._load_raw_data(data_concept_path) def _load_raw_data(self, data_concept_path): st = time.time() print("[probase-conceptualize] Loading Probase files...") with open(data_concept_path) as f: triplet_lines = [line.strip() for line in f] print("[probase-conceptualize] Building index...") for line in tqdm(triplet_lines): concept, instance, freq = line.split('\t') if concept not in self.concept2idx: self.concept2idx[concept] = len(self.concept2idx) concept_idx = self.concept2idx[concept] if instance not in self.instance2idx: self.instance2idx[instance] = len(self.instance2idx) instance_idx = self.instance2idx[instance] if concept_idx not in self.concept_inverted_list: self.concept_inverted_list[concept_idx] = list() self.concept_inverted_list[concept_idx].append((instance_idx, int(freq))) if instance_idx not in self.instance_inverted_list: self.instance_inverted_list[instance_idx] = list() self.instance_inverted_list[instance_idx].append((concept_idx, int(freq))) self.idx2concept = {val: key for key, val in self.concept2idx.items()} self.idx2instance = {val: key for key, val in self.instance2idx.items()} print("[probase-conceptualize] Loading data finished in {:.2f} s".format(time.time() - st))
[docs] def conceptualize(self, instance, score_method="likelihood"): """ Conceptualize the given instance :param instance: the given instance :type instance: str :param score_method: the method to compute sscores ("likelihood" or "pmi") :type score_method: str :return: a list of (concept, score) :rtype: List[Tuple[aser.concept.ProbaseConcept, float]] """ if instance not in self.instance2idx: return [] instance_idx = self.instance2idx[instance] instance_freq = self.get_instance_freq(instance_idx) concept_list = self.instance_inverted_list[instance_idx] rst_list = list() for concept_idx, co_occurrence in concept_list: if score_method == "pmi": score = co_occurrence / self.get_concept_freq(concept_idx) / instance_freq elif score_method == "likelihood": score = co_occurrence / instance_freq else: raise NotImplementedError rst_list.append((self.idx2concept[concept_idx], score)) rst_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return rst_list
[docs] def instantiate(self, concept): """ Retrieve all instances of a concept :param concept: the given concept :type concept: str :return: a list of instances :rtype: List[Tuple[str, float]] """ if concept not in self.concept2idx: return [] concept_idx = self.concept2idx[concept] rst_list = [(self.idx2instance[idx], freq) for idx, freq in self.concept_inverted_list[concept_idx]] rst_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return rst_list
[docs] def get_concept_chain(self, instance, max_chain_length=5): """ Conceptualize the given instance in a chain :param instance: the given instance :type instance: str :param max_chain_length: the maximum length of the chain :type max_chain_length: int (default = 5) :return: a chain that contains concepts :rtype: List[str] """ if instance in self.concept2idx: chain = [instance] else: chain = list() tmp_instance = instance while True: concepts = self.conceptualize(tmp_instance, score_method="likelihood") if concepts: chain.append(concepts[0][0]) else: break if len(chain) >= max_chain_length: break tmp_instance = chain[-1] if chain and chain[0] != instance: return [instance] + chain else: return chain
[docs] def get_concept_freq(self, concept): """ Get the frequency of a concept :param concept: the given concept :type concept: str :return: the corresponding frequency :rtype: float """ if isinstance(concept, str): if concept not in self.concept2idx: return 0 concept = self.concept2idx[concept] elif isinstance(concept, int): if concept not in self.idx2concept: return 0 return sum([t[1] for t in self.concept_inverted_list[concept]])
[docs] def get_instance_freq(self, instance): """ Get the frequency of an instance :param instance: the given instance :type instance: str :return: the corresponding frequency :rtype: float """ if isinstance(instance, str): if instance not in self.instance2idx: return 0 instance = self.instance2idx[instance] elif isinstance(instance, int): if instance not in self.idx2instance: return 0 return sum([t[1] for t in self.instance_inverted_list[instance]])
[docs] def save(self, file_name): """ :param file_name: the file name to save the probase concepts :type file_name: str """ with open(file_name, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f)
[docs] def load(self, file_name): """ :param file_name: the file name to load the probase concepts :type file_name: str """ with open(file_name, "rb") as f: tmp_dict = pickle.load(f) for key, val in tmp_dict.items(): self.__setattr__(key, val)
@property def concept_size(self): return len(self.concept2idx) @property def instance_size(self): return len(self.instance2idx)