import time
import uuid
import zmq
import json
from functools import wraps
from ..concept import ASERConcept
from ..eventuality import Eventuality
from ..relation import Relation
from ..utils.config import ASERCmd, ASERError
[docs]class ASERClient(object):
def __init__(self, ip="localhost", port=8000, port_out=8001, timeout=-1):
""" A client object of ASER
:param ip: ip address of the server
:type ip: str
:param port: port for push request from a client to the server
:type port: int
:param port_out: port for Subscribe return data from the server to a server
:type port_out: int
:param timeout: client receiver timeout (milliseconds), -1 means no timeout
:type timeout: float
self.client_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode("utf-8")
context = zmq.Context()
self.sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
self.sender.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
self.sender.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format(ip, port))
self.receiver = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.client_id)
self.receiver.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format(ip, port_out))
self.request_num = 0
self.timeout = timeout
# this is a hack, waiting for connection between SUB/PUB
[docs] def close(self):
""" Close the client safely
def _timeout(func):
Raise timeout error while there's no response for a while
this code is from
def arg_wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
if 'blocking' in kw and not kw['blocking']:
# override client timeout setting if `func` is called in non-blocking way
self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1)
self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, self.timeout)
return func(self, *args, **kw)
except zmq.error.Again as _e:
t_e = TimeoutError(
'no response from the server (with "timeout"=%d ms), please check the following:'
'is the server still online? is the network broken? are "port" and "port_out" correct? '
'are you encoding a huge amount of data whereas the timeout is too small for that?' % self.timeout
raise t_e
self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1)
return arg_wrapper
def _send(self, cmd, data):
request_id = b"%d" % self.request_num
self.sender.send_multipart([self.client_id, request_id, cmd, data])
self.request_num += 1
return request_id
def _recv(self, request_id):
while True:
response = self.receiver.recv_multipart()
if len(response) > 1:
if response[1] == request_id:
msg = json.loads(response[-1].decode(encoding="utf-8"))
if isinstance(msg, str) and msg.startswith(ASERError):
msg = msg[len(ASERError):-1]
start_idx = msg.index("(")
if msg[:start_idx] == "ValueError":
raise ValueError(msg[start_idx + 1:])
elif msg[:start_idx] == "TimeoutError":
raise TimeoutError(msg[start_idx + 1:])
elif msg[:start_idx] == "AttributeError":
raise AttributeError(msg[start_idx + 1:])
return msg
return []
except BaseException as e:
raise e
[docs] def parse_text(self, text):
""" Parse a raw text by sending a request to ASERServer
:param text: a raw text
:type text: str
:return: the parsed result
:rtype: List[Dict[str, object]]
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise ValueError("Error: the input of parse_text should be a raw text.")
text = text.encode("utf-8")
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.parse_text, text)
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if not msg:
return None
return msg
[docs] def extract_eventualities_and_relations(self, data):
""" Extract both eventualities and relations by sending a request to ASERServer
:param data: a raw text or the parsed result returned by corenlp
:type data: List[Dict[str, object]]
:return: the extracted eventualities and relations
:rtype: Tuple[Union[List[List[aser.eventuality.Eventuality]], List[List[Dict[str, object]]], List[aser.eventuality.Eventuality], List[Dict[str, object]]], Union[List[List[aser.relation.Relation]], List[List[Dict[str, object]]], List[aser.relation.Relation], List[Dict[str, object]]]]
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode("utf-8")
data = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.extract_eventualities_and_relations, data)
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if not msg:
return None
ret_eventualities, ret_relations = [], []
for sent_eventualities, sent_relations in msg:
rst_eventualities, rst_relations = list(), list()
for e_encoded in sent_eventualities:
eventuality = Eventuality().decode(e_encoded, encoding=None)
for r_encoded in sent_relations:
relation = Relation().decode(r_encoded, encoding=None)
return ret_eventualities, ret_relations
[docs] def conceptualize_eventuality(self, eventuality):
""" Conceptualize an eventuality by sending a request to ASERServer
:param eventuality: an eventuality
:type eventuality: aser.eventuality.Eventuality
:return: a list of (conceptualized eventuality, score) pair
:rtype: List[Tuple[aser.concept.ASERConcept, float]]
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.conceptualize_eventuality, eventuality.encode("utf-8"))
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if not msg:
return None
ret_data = list()
for c_encoded, score in msg:
concept = ASERConcept().decode(c_encoded, encoding=None)
ret_data.append((concept, score))
return ret_data
[docs] def exact_match_eventuality(self, data):
""" Retrieve the extract match eventuality by sending a DB retrieval request
:param data: an eventuality or eid
:type data: Union[aser.eventuality.Eventuality, str]
:return: the exact matched eventuality or None
:rtype: Union[aser.eventuality.Eventuality, None]
if isinstance(data, str): # eid
data = data.encode("utf-8")
data = data.eid.encode("utf-8")
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.exact_match_eventuality, data)
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if msg == ASERCmd.none:
return None
return Eventuality().decode(msg, encoding=None)
[docs] def predict_eventuality_relation(self, eventuality1, eventuality2):
""" Predict the relation between two eventualities by sending a DB retrieval request
:param eventuality1: one eventuality or eid as the head
:type eventuality1: Union[str, aser.eventuality.Eventuality]
:param eventuality2: the other eventuality or eid as the tail
:type eventuality2: Union[str, aser.eventuality.Eventuality]
:return: the relation stored in KG
:rtype: aser.relation.Relation
if isinstance(eventuality1, str):
hid = eventuality1
hid = eventuality1.eid
if isinstance(eventuality2, str):
tid = eventuality2
tid = eventuality2.eid
rid = Relation.generate_rid(hid, tid).encode("utf-8")
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.exact_match_eventuality_relation, rid)
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if msg == ASERCmd.none:
return None
return Relation().decode(msg, encoding=None)
[docs] def exact_match_concept(self, data):
""" Retrieve the extract match concept by sending a DB retrieval request
:param data: a concept or cid
:type data: Union[aser.concept.ASERConcept, str]
:return: the exact matched concept or None
:rtype: Union[aser.concept.ASERConcept, None]
if isinstance(data, str): # cid
data = data.encode("utf-8")
data = data.eid.encode("utf-8")
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.exact_match_concept, data)
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if msg == ASERCmd.none:
return None
return ASERConcept().decode(msg, encoding=None)
[docs] def predict_concept_relation(self, concept1, concept2):
""" Predict the relation between two conceptualized eventualities by sending a DB retrieval request
:param concept1: one concept or cid as the head
:type concept1: Union[str, aser.concept.ASERConcept]
:param concept2: the other concept or cid as the head
:type concept2: Union[str, aser.concept.ASERConcept]
:return: the relation stored in concept KG
:rtype: aser.relation.Relation
if isinstance(concept1, str):
hid = concept1
hid = concept1.cid
if isinstance(concept2, str):
tid = concept2
tid = concept2.cid
rid = Relation.generate_rid(hid, tid).encode("utf-8")
request_id = self._send(ASERCmd.exact_match_concept_relation, rid)
msg = self._recv(request_id)
if msg == ASERCmd.none:
return None
return Relation().decode(msg, encoding=None)